Buy CTVET Results Checker now to check your Technical Examination Results. Candidates are kindly requested to access their results online at the MayJune Portal using their index numbers and Unique Reference Numbers given to them by their respective institutions. Meanwhile, candidates for the Access program should contact their respective Technical Universities for their results.
How to buy CTVET Results Checker Cards
Here are the simple steps on how to buy a CTVET Results Checker card online;
1. Visit Checker Cards website:
2. Select CTVET Results Checker you want to buy.
If you use this link: Buy CTVET Results Checker, you will skip steps 1 & step 2. 3. Select the number of cards you want to buy.
4. Click on “Buy Now” button.
5. Fill in the details by adding your First name, Last name, Phone number and E-mail address.
6. Scroll down and click on “Proceed To Payment”.
7. Select “Pay with Mobile Money” and enter your MoMo number.
8. Click on “Confirm”.
9. Approve payment on your phone by entering your Mobile Money Pin.
Alternatively, you may pay with your credit card. In Step 7. Select “Pay with Card” to make payment using your credit/debit card.
- The Result check voucher will be sent via Email once payment is confirmed.
- The Email will be sent to the email address from which the transaction was initiated.
- The result checker card can be used for the following examination conducted;
- Technical Exams
Benjamin Adamtey –
The best checker ever
Benjamin Adamtey –